Internships | CRC Group

Intern with CRC Group.

Join one of the largest wholesale brokers in the world for an interactive, informative, and inclusive summer sales internship with nine full weeks of competitive pay. Send in your resume today. Spots are limited!

Fiona 2024 Internship Page Testimonial






The need to know:

What will you do?

Work closely with veteran brokers + underwriters

Attend carrier and agency visits

Learn about writing surplus lines of business

Gain an understanding of different coverage types

Become familiar with a variety of products

Get a complementary Risk and Insurance Education Alliance subscription and pursue your CISR designation

Qualifications include:

Ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment

Strong interpersonal skills

Driven + self-motivated

Risk Management/Insurance background preferred

Internships/experience within insurance industry

Targeted rising seniors (Juniors can still apply)

Intern Group Photo

Please Note: Resumes are reviewed beginning in the fall, and are accepted on a rolling basis until filled with a target date of January 1.

Placing you first.

CRC Group's Placing You First Podcast is all about keeping you informed. We feature insights from our wholesale brokers and underwriters — the people within CRC Group who drive our success. It’s one more way we prioritize what matters most to you. Start listening today!

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Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further.
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Always seeking better.

Tools + Intel by CRC Group covers a wide range of industry issues to keep you and your clients informed. Access actionable insights, exclusive programs, featured tools, and links to compelling news — all designed to give you an edge. 

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Soften the Impact of Percentage Deductibles

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A Few Tips to Avoid Late Claims Reporting

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How Are Increasing Convective Storms Impacting Homeowners?

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Heavy Construction Equipment Places Weighty Demands on Insurance

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