Wholesale + Specialty Insurance | CRC Group

Move faster.

Go further.

CRC Group is a leading, independent pure-play brokerage and underwriting specialty insurance distributor. Our team is here to add value for clients and provide specialty insights and solutions faster, with quality service to take you further. We look forward to working with you!

A brand new look + feel for CRC Group. What does that say about where we're headed next?

Submit, quote, evaluate + bind with CRC Quick Quotes. Instant terms backed by your producer!

The REDY Index provides critical pricing analysis monthly, giving you a snapshot of the marketplace.

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Doing it right.

With offices across the US and Canada, CRC Group places over $30 billion in annual premium, and partner with more than 650 carriers to deliver tailored solutions across a variety of industries to provide rapid, robust outcomes for clients and capital providers alike.

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Grounded in a commitment to doing things right, CRC Group brings you exclusive products across multiple industries and practices.

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Innovation drives everything we do. Our team prioritizes seeking new ways to support the success of our broking and carrier partners.

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Tools + Intel

CRC Group keeps you and your clients informed about marketplace trends, emerging issues, advanced tools, industry news, and more.

Placing you first.

CRC Group's Placing You First Podcast is all about keeping you informed. We feature insights from our wholesale brokers and underwriters — the people within CRC Group who drive our success. It’s one more way we prioritize what matters most to you. Start listening today!

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Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further. Move faster. Go further.
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Always seeking better.

Tools + Intel by CRC Group covers a wide range of industry issues to keep you and your clients informed. Access actionable insights, exclusive programs, featured tools, and links to compelling news — all designed to give you an edge. 

Soften the Impact of Percentage Deductibles Post Image

Soften the Impact of Percentage Deductibles

A Few Tips to Avoid Late Claims Reporting  Post Image

A Few Tips to Avoid Late Claims Reporting

How Are Increasing Convective Storms Impacting Homeowners? Post Image

How Are Increasing Convective Storms Impacting Homeowners?

Heavy Construction Equipment Places Weighty Demands on Insurance Post Image

Heavy Construction Equipment Places Weighty Demands on Insurance

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