Tools + Intel | CRC Specialty

Tools + Intel.

CRC Specialty's Tools + Intel spans a diverse spectrum of industry issues to keep you and your clients informed. This is truly news you can use, coupled with the latest exclusive programs, featured tools, links to compelling news stories, and more.

REDY Index Claims Advocacy Property Casualty ExecPro Transportation Healthcare
CRC’s Claims Advocacy Helps Medical Imaging Center Obtain Carrier Agreement to Defend Wage & Hour Claim Post Image

CRC’s Claims Advocacy Helps Medical Imaging Center Obtain Carrier Agreement to Defend Wage & Hour Claim

August 11, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic temporarily slowed or halted the claims process in many situations as courtrooms closed their doors to comply with social distancing requirements. However, CRC continued to assist partners across the country and came to the aid of a medical imaging center that found itself named as a defendant in a 2020 EPL lawsuit.

Property Insurance: Inflation & Rising Building Costs Create ITV Challenges Post Image

Property Insurance: Inflation & Rising Building Costs Create ITV Challenges

August 11, 2021

Anytime an area is hit with a catastrophic event, like a hurricane or wildfire, the cost of labor and building materials temporarily rises due to increased demand as communities and businesses rebuild. 2020 brought a total of 63 catastrophic events including Midwestern tornadoes, Western wildfires, and Southeastern hurricanes on top of the COVID-19 pandemic - a catastrophic event unlike any in recent history.

Excess & Umbrella REDY® Index June 2021 Post Image

Excess & Umbrella REDY® Index June 2021

August 10, 2021

The REDY Index leverages CRC Group’s collection of actionable data – the wholesale industry’s largest. It provides critical pricing analysis monthly, giving you a snapshot of the marketplace. The REDY Index generates instant intelligence on pricing trends by industry or coverage, enabling our retail partners to set accurate data- driven expectations with their clients. Removing the guesswork empowers CRC team members to negotiate competitively, consistently producing better outcomes, better deliverables, and better results.

Cyber REDY® Index June 2021 Post Image

Cyber REDY® Index June 2021

July 23, 2021

The REDY Index leverages CRC Group’s collection of actionable data – the wholesale industry’s largest. It provides critical pricing analysis monthly, giving you a snapshot of the marketplace. The REDY Index generates instant intelligence on pricing trends by industry or coverage, enabling our retail partners to set accurate data driven expectations with their clients. Removing the guesswork empowers CRC team members to negotiate competitively, consistently producing better outcomes, better deliverables, and better results.

Private D&O REDY® Index June 2021 Post Image

Private D&O REDY® Index June 2021

July 23, 2021

The REDY Index leverages CRC Group’s collection of actionable data – the wholesale industry’s largest. It provides critical pricing analysis monthly, giving you a snapshot of the marketplace. The REDY Index generates instant intelligence on pricing trends by industry or coverage, enabling our retail partners to set accurate data driven expectations with their clients. Removing the guesswork empowers CRC team members to negotiate competitively, consistently producing better outcomes, better deliverables, and better results.

Cyberwrite on REDY®: Helping Clients Understand & Quantify Cyber Risks Post Image

Cyberwrite on REDY®: Helping Clients Understand & Quantify Cyber Risks

July 13, 2021

Companies around the globe rely on websites, computer systems, and digital connections with the world to do business. While organizations may have varying degrees of digital presence, every business is exposed to cybersecurity risks that can result in devastating financial loss due to steep regulatory fines, customer data loss, financial theft, or business interruption. Unfortunately, many companies struggle with understanding, quantifying, and mitigating their cyber exposure.

Tough Outlook Ahead for Most of the Energy Market Post Image

Tough Outlook Ahead for Most of the Energy Market

July 12, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in decreased energy production and demand in 2020. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), it will likely take years for the U.S. to return to 2019 levels of consumption. While it’s anticipated that the United States will continue to export more energy than it imports through 2050, recovery will take time and the energy insurance market is feeling the pinch (source 1).

Aviation Market Hardens Amid Pandemic Turbulence Post Image

Aviation Market Hardens Amid Pandemic Turbulence

July 12, 2021

As the aviation industry rebounds from a massive pandemic-induced downturn, aviation insurance rates are rising as insurers seek to address prior-year losses and the industry’s evolving risks. Interest in private jet purchases and rentals have surged as more business fliers and individuals avoid public carriers for health reasons. The pandemic has also provided an extra boost to the rapidly growing unmanned aerial vehicle industry since camera-equipped drones can perform many tasks at lower risk and without personal contact.

Cyber REDY® Index April 2021 Post Image

Cyber REDY® Index April 2021

June 15, 2021

The REDY Index leverages CRC Group’s collection of actionable data – the wholesale industry’s largest. It provides critical pricing analysis monthly, giving you a snapshot of the marketplace. The REDY Index generates instant intelligence on pricing trends by industry or coverage, enabling our retail partners to set accurate data- driven expectations with their clients. Removing the guesswork empowers CRC team members to negotiate competitively, consistently producing better outcomes, better deliverables, and better results.

Make Sure Your Insurance Provides the Right ESOP Coverage Post Image

Make Sure Your Insurance Provides the Right ESOP Coverage

June 14, 2021

Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) provide a welcome benefit for millions of Americans, but obtaining the right coverage to protect corporate directors and officers and trustees can prove complex. Fiduciary claims may also cross over into D&O, and missteps can prove costly as settlements run into the millions of dollars.

Tough Call: How to Insure TCPA Liability Risks Post Image

Tough Call: How to Insure TCPA Liability Risks

June 14, 2021

Costly litigation alleging violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) has made coverage hard to get for businesses that contact customers and prospects by phone or text. CRC Group explains why markets for TPCA risks are scarce and how to work with a knowledgeable wholesale broker to help insureds.

Optimize Your Business Interruption Coverage with the BI Worksheet Post Image

Optimize Your Business Interruption Coverage with the BI Worksheet

June 14, 2021

Business Interruption (BI) claims are complicated even in the best-case scenario, often requiring assistance from outside experts to resolve. Policyholders can benefit from a proactive approach that includes completing an accurate BI Worksheet and involving appropriate specialists to ensure a reasonable claim outcome.

Private D&O REDY® Index April 2021 Post Image

Private D&O REDY® Index April 2021

June 11, 2021

The REDY Index leverages CRC Group’s collection of actionable data – the wholesale industry’s largest. It provides critical pricing analysis monthly, giving you a snapshot of the marketplace. The REDY Index generates instant intelligence on pricing trends by industry or coverage, enabling our retail partners to set accurate data- driven expectations with their clients. Removing the guesswork empowers CRC team members to negotiate competitively, consistently producing better outcomes, better deliverables, and better results.

Claims Preparation & Guidelines Post Image

Claims Preparation & Guidelines

May 17, 2021

CRC group is here to help with all of your claims and policy servicing issues as a result of catastrophes, including helping clients prepare for a potential claims situation.

Disability Insurance: Protection When Illness or Injury Strikes Post Image

Disability Insurance: Protection When Illness or Injury Strikes

May 13, 2021

When asked to list their most valuable assets, many people would place a home, car, or 401K at the top of the list. And they’d be wrong. While those are important - even vital - pieces of living life, a person’s most valuable asset is actually the ability to make a living, working to pay their mortgage, fuel their vehicle, and fund that retirement account. If unexpected illness or injury derails those efforts, life quickly begins to unravel on all fronts. Research indicates that millions of Americans lack adequate savings to handle a medical emergency, even as healthcare costs continue to skyrocket. As a result of rising expenses, employers are often eliminating or reducing benefit offerings, creating a perfect storm of financial distress when employees cannot work due to illness or injury. Fortunately, private disability insurance is available to help meet financial needs when adversity comes knocking.

Placing you first.

CRC Group's Placing You First Podcast is all about keeping you informed. We feature insights from our wholesale brokers and underwriters — the people within CRC Group who drive our success. It’s one more way we prioritize what matters most to you. Start listening today!

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